Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm a slacker...

I haven't had much free time to blog about my adventures over the past week but I'm heading back to God's Country ( EAST TENNESSEE) tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to post a few things before I leave.


Chris said...

At least it isn't too green here yet. Maybe it won't be overwhelming. :D

Kristen Howard Photography said...

It's cool here and I've seen and done A LOT that I thought I'd never do but I love the mountains and rivers in East Tenn. The rivers here look like sh*t and there's no way I'd get in one of them. The river banks look so weird at least the one's I've seen. Fort Worth was awesome...a bar in EVERY single store I mean even little gift shops would have a bar and everyone walking up and down the street was carrying beer.I thought of Andrew!!! But I got to see a road runner which was freakin great! Hope the littlest dude is good. Tell everyone hi.