Thursday, March 19, 2009

Goodbye Texas

Many evenings during my stay in Texas I witnessed some breathtaking sunsets but not until the morning I was leaving did I get to see a beautiful sunrise. It was a perfect end to my trip. I had fun...I am tired, sore and bruised (I may have over did it just a bit) but I truly enjoyed it.

Goodbye ranch...see you in a few months

Hogs, Snakes and Friends... before shots on these two

Water Mocassin hanging out on some logs around a tank (pond). I couldn't really get a good picture but hopefully you'll understand how big this thing was.

The "After" shot

Back row: Me (yes I stayed true to the VOLS even in Longhorn country), Jordan, Megan, Justin, Jeff (Tyson's brother) Front: Rhonda and Tyson
Alison was missing from our pic
I know that Tyson had his eyes closed but I just love him and Rhonda so much that I had to put this picture on there. I've never been taken in by a family like I was theirs. I love all of you so much!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A very busy weekend

We had a busy weekend while I was staying at the ranch for my last weekend in Texas. There were 200 cattle that needed to be moved about 2 miles down the road BUT there had been so much rain that the bottoms were FLOODED. These cowboys had to round up the mama's on 628 acres. It was a long, wet, and cold day. And these cowboys didn't stop until dark. I've got several pictures to post.
Bossman Jordan sizing up the situation

Just to show you how much rain there had been. Alison and Megan decided to climb a pile of dirt.

Ali & Megan

Mr. Roy

Shorty the Cowdog waiting impatiently in the truck in case she was needed

Justin and Jeff sharing a special moment! lol They're gonna kill me for posting this.

Tyson leading part of the herd

Jeff aka the Abercrombie Cowboy (that's what I've nicknamed him) He wears the coolest clothes.



Chris aka Popcorn (I think he went swimming in the creek) I've never seen anyone ride a horse like him...WIDE OPEN.

Roy and bossman Jordan

Here's all the cowboys riding off to round up on over 600 was a long evening

I will post more tomorrow...I'm so tired. We're about 40 miles from Chattanooga and I've been so torn all day. Cried wanting to come home but cried leaving Texas too. Met some wonderful friends for life. Will post more pictures tomorrow of some water moccasins, wild hogs and sorting cattle. It was great...some of the best times I've ever had...I won't EVER forget them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm a slacker...

I haven't had much free time to blog about my adventures over the past week but I'm heading back to God's Country ( EAST TENNESSEE) tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to post a few things before I leave.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I had the opportunity today to photograph a senior from Canton High School in Canton TX. We had so much fun doing these pictures. I feel like I have know this family all my life...they have fed me twice since I have been here and the food was always unbelievable. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them. They have been so gracious to me during my stay and I will never forget it. Miss Alison is probably the most excited about her pictures than anyone I've ever photographed. We've looked at these pictures all afternoon. I feel like I've made friends for life out here. Thank you to The Waisath's...for your kindness and generosity...I will never forget it:)

Cowgirl Tuff!!!

Loved the boots!

This is my favorite!

This was her Great Great Grandmother's home. Everything in the house was labeled with the dates of when it was purchased/built. It is still furnished...even right down to the string hanging from the ceiling where Mama Fox's quilt frame always hung. It was a really neat place. I could've stayed there all day.

The Waisath's (Justin, Tyson, Rhonda and Alison)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Does Fort Worth ever cross your mind?...

Riscky's Calf Fries

We had a full afternoon in Fort was everything I had hoped it would be. We ate at a wonderful place called Riscky's Steakhouse where I tried Calf Fries (Mountain Oysters) for the first time. ..tasted just like chicken and they really didn't gross me out at all! I loved Fort Worth and the Stockyards so much. Here's some images from my visit. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did Fort Worth.