Monday, September 29, 2008

Girls! Girls! Girls!

My friend, Brooke, who is also a photographer wanted me to take some shots of her and her beautiful girls. It was fun and hopefully she'll be pleased with these pictures.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm back...and much wiser

My laptop crashed...needless to say, I'm back and much wiser after having lost everything from downloaded music to ALL my personal pictures. Here's a few pictures I took during my hiatus from cyber world. Sunset...taken from my driveway

Not a very good picture of the moon...but Halloween is upon us and I thought this looked really creepy
I went to a car cruise in with my parents and sister. I only took a few pictures but I'm posting this for my Mom and Dad. They have a MG and it's awesome...Dad is currently restoring another British car...a MGA (it's Mom's :) )

Sunday, September 14, 2008

God's Country...Polk County

I'm sure that you're getting pretty tired of my blogging about the Whitewater Center but I can't help myself. Every visit reveals something new...this time it was the Rhododendron Trail (thanks to the family that I photographed ...see post below). It was beautiful back there and there's a nice big grassy spot near the lower bridge where I saw a mother and child napping on a quilt while dad was kayaking:)It's a wonderful place to go...I'll be back there next weekend...I think there's only a couple of rafting weekends left in this season. Also, when you visit please pay your $3.00 fee so this will remain a beautiful fixture in God's Country...Polk County.

It just doesn't get much prettier than that...rafting bus and all :)
He had a video camera mounted on his helmet. I'd love to see that video.

Hot day at the River

I spent some time with this fun family on Saturday afternoon. The little guy was totally obsessed with the river...Mom let him get his feet wet at the end of the shoot. I really enjoyed hanging out with them despite the heat.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whitewater Center

Stay tuned for some cool pics...from the Whitewater Center...heading there now to hang out and I've got a family shoot there today also...I'm so excited...Will post tomorrow :) Here's a picture that I took with my cell phone a couple of months ago.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wasted Days?

I do not consider my days wasted...I consider them peacefully blessed:)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mushrooms and Monsters

If you're a regular reader of my blog you know that occasionally I take pictures that just don't really matter to anyone but's two of them. I know that when my friend, Nan, reads this she'll say the fallen tree picture gave her the "willie's". But it did me too, that's why I took it...looks like a monster with big ol teeth...Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reinbow Rider

My friend, Leanne works with the Reinbow Riders, which is a therapeutic riding program. This young man, a Reinbow Rider, was able to be the flag bearer at the opening night of the World Racking Horse Championship. He was so excited to be out there and the more we clapped the bigger his smile got...I'll bet he is still smiling. He tipped his hat to me before the opening ceremony. I love this picture.