I saw wild hogs today for the first time...I saw the damage they can do to a field also...just incredible. They root(not sure if that's the correct spelling or terminology) in a field and make huge ruts that will shake you to death if you're in a JD Gator or even in a truck. They are SO destructive. I think it's open season on them in Texas all year long. Well, I saw about 10 today and my son in law shot one and we tracked blood through the woods for a long, LONG way before losing the trail. This was so exciting for me...There I was camera in hand waiting to get a good picture of those hogs but they were as fast as lightning. I guess if someone was shooting at me I could step it up a notch too! I did get a really good look at them though and they were some pretty good size hogs. (I'm comparing them to hogs I've seen on the Saturday morning hunting shows on ESPN!!! LOL) Anyway, not much happening to blog about...just having fun. I'm doing some senior pictures on Saturday for a friend of my step daughter's so I'm really excited about that. She's like a rodeo queen or something and has the most amazing skin so I can't wait. We're going to Fort Worth Stockyards on Friday so I'm sure I'll have plenty to blog about this weekend...
It was hot and we walked and we walked and we walked

Maybe this will give you an idea of how dry it is here!

Hogs blood

Hog tracks
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