Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bringing home the girls...

My step daughter and son in law are living in Texas where he is a Ranch Superintendent, so today was the day to bring home the girls that are about to calve. We started out at 8:30 this morning and went to the "bottoms" and rounded all them up. Then the guys drove them from that piece of property back to the ranch (about 3-5 miles). We blocked traffic and everything... it was so cool. Maybe I shouldn't say "we" since everyone that knows me knows that I CANNOT ride a horse. So I rode in the truck...and got some great pictures. After the drive we had prayer (Thank you Roy) and a was delicious. Smoked Brisket (Thanks Rhonda and Tyson!), Pinto Beans with Tennessee Squash Relish, Potato Salad and Megan's Sweet Tea. We're all wore out...even the dog! I hated the fact that they moved so far from home (12+hrs) but they have made some great friends out here. Everyone I've met has made me feel so welcome...I don't feel so bad about them being out here now with a little one on the way. It was a good day...I feel so blessed.

The guys going to round 'em up

This is the bottoms

Just starting out (I know these aren't the greatest pictures but they tell the story!)

Coming on down the road

My son-in-law leading the herd

Texas Tyson!!! A real cowboy:)

Coming home...down their driveway that is lined with 125 Bradford Pears (which are blooming... aaaccchooo)

They're all in Roy...get the gate!

Check out those chinks! (short chaps...I'm learnin')

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