Ayla and Jamie are our neighbors and she's lived beside us since Gene and I married almost 17 years ago. I have watched her grow up and this was a very emotional wedding for me. I was so honored to get to do these pics. It was a great day and I'm sure that there will be many more happy days for Mr. & Mrs. Cook. This is the couple with their daughter, Jada
The wedding party Candice and Craig...Candice did all the bouquets and all the deccorations...she's awesome and made this day extra special for Ayla and Jamie.
Ayla and her Maid of Honor, Brooke
Yep...that's how they left...I loved it! It was a great day and I was so glad I got to be a part of it. I love Ayla, Jamie and Jada so much and wish them the best of luck in everything they do. Love you guys:)
A different thread
Beaver Creek, Alaska, on Dec. 30, 2024. Temperature -34F.
Hello 2025! Later this year, this blog will turn 20 years old. Twenty! I
was just a few years...
40 (re-do)
I am 40 years old.
For the first 39 years of my life, I have been known as many things...
- The Mischievous Daughter
- The Annoying Sister
- T...
We Moved!!!
Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site!
If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either cakewrecks.com or
Link to pics from our 1st official day of Touring
Link to Pictures from Touring on Day 1...There are lots of pics...from
things we sa...
The Joys and Not So Joyful
[image: Week 2: Pool Time]
*Week 2: Enjoying The Kiddy Pool..he spent 3 hours in it.*
This past weekend we got some time with just Ian to take him over t...
Ft. Worth
We had a great show in Ft. Worth at the Botanical Gardens, and it was great
to see you all! You can read the review of our performance at
I was born and raised here in Southeast Tennessee. I've always loved photography especially using the darkroom. I haven't done any black and whites in a very long time but I'm anxious to get back to it. I no longer work due to some health issues so photography has become a type of therapy for me. I hope you enjoy my pictures as much as I enjoy taking them.